Alkaline Water Bottle | Otiem Water Bottle
An Alkaline Water Bottle & The Health Benefits of Drinking Natural Alkaline Water

An Alkaline Water Bottle & The Health Benefits of Drinking Natural Alkaline Water

Even though it's new to North America, drinking Alkaline water is not a new trend in the health world, with many claims of it having health benefits like slowing down aging, boosting immunity, regulating pH level in the body and so on, many people are curious about what it is! We will discuss all this and more in this article!

What Is Alkaline Water?

Water that has a pH level higher than seven is alkaline water. Normal or neutral water has a pH of 7 and acidic water is lower than 7. pH level ranges from 1 to 14 with acidity and alkalinity ruling both ends respectively. Alkaline water is also water that has alkalinic minerals and a negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP).

Is It Really Beneficial?

There are opposing views by health practitioners on the health benefits if alkaline water, some say it helps, others say it doesn't. This impasse is due to the lack of proven scientific research, although some studies give credibility to the proponents of alkaline water, it's still not enough.

Mayo clinic insists that alkaline water has no benefits and that normal/neutral water is the best for people.

Dr. Anju Sood, a nutritionist in Bangalore says that "Your body secretes many juices. Now these juices are basically acidic in nature. So alkaline water will neutralize the acid. By eating food that is over 70% alkaline, and only 30% acidic, the pH of the body will be neutral. Alkaline water is suggested when you are not consuming food that is not balancing your pH levels in the body."

A 2012 study published in the Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology says that drinking alkaline water will help with acid reflux because alkaline water will inhibit the enzyme Pepsin which is the main cause.

 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition says that alkaline water will reduce the viscosity of blood even after a stressful workout.

Benefits Of Alkaline Water

Although concrete scientific evidence does not exist supporting the claim that alkaline water is beneficial to one's health, some studies show that it might have the following health benefits.

  1. Alkaline water is better at hydrating your body than normal water is. This is due to the fact that the molecules of alkaline water are smaller than that of neutral water, and so the body will be able to absorb it much quicker than ordinary water. This will serve to rehydrate your cells more quickly.
  2. Boosts Immune System: Alkaline water has negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP), and the more negative the ORP value, the more anti oxidizing it is. So alkaline water is a good antioxidant, and antioxidants boost the immune system by getting rid of free radicals in the body.
  3. The anti-oxidizing properties of alkaline water can also slow down the aging process.
  4. Alkaline water usually contains the minerals calcium and magnesium both of which are important constituents of bone, and are necessary for the growth and maintenance of strong bones.

5.Lastly, it helps to neutralize the acidic environment of the body, especially excessively acidic regions like the stomach.

How To Get Alkaline Water

There are a few ways to get or create Alkaline water. Alkaline water can actually be found and bought at the grocery store or even online. Many brands offer water with various pH levels. Or you can make your own for long term use with special machines. Water ionizers are sold at large chain stores.

There are also natural ways to create Alkaline water. You can even make it by squeezing lemon juice into your drinking water, you may say that lemons are acidic and they are, but they also contain minerals that can change the water into alkaline water.

Alternatively even baking powder can be added to turn neutral water alkaline.

And of course, the easiest and least expensive way to turn any water alkaline is by using an Otiem bottle, a bottle made of copper designed to be an Alkaline Water Bottle. The effortless way to turn any water alkaline! Wherever you are!

You see, when you keep water inside a copper for extended periods of time, the water begins to absorb a very small amount of copper, this naturally ionizes the water, and it starts to become more alkaline. Best of all, this all happens completely naturally and is 100% safe!

What happens inside an Otiem is actually very similar to what happens when water passes through a natural spring or mountain stream. As the water flows it starts to absorb the minerals surrounding it and starts to become more alkaline! Since most of us don’t have access to natural mineral filled streams, the Otiem essentially replicates this natural process, but in a much more controlled (and stylish) setting!

As always, the best part is, you can use any type of water inside your Otiem. To learn more about Ayurveda, and the health benefits of using copper, check out our FAQ, How it Works Page, or other posts on the blog! Protection Status