Ayurveda Experience | Otiem Copper Water Bottles
The Ayurveda Experience & Drinking Alkaline Water

The Ayurveda Experience & Drinking Alkaline Water

Storing water in copper containers or vessels is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that is fast becoming very popular even in the scientific community. This is due to the fact that several studies indicate that storing water in a clean copper vessel is a good health practice. In this article we will show the findings in some studies which indicate that drinking water from a copper container is a safe and healthy practice.

In a recent study, which was published in the Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition,  scientists wanted to know how copper containers affected the properties of water and more about the Ayurveda Experience. So they put in water containing some virulent bacteria such as salmonella and E.coli. They kept this water in the copper vessel for about 16 hours, after this they examined the water. They found no trace of any bacteria inside the water, what's more the water became more alkaline as the pH increased.

For human consumption, the maximum amount of copper that should be present in water as set by the World Health Organization is 0.2 ppm (parts per million). The concentration of copper found in that copper vessel was well below what WHO has stipulated as the safe range. The study itself states that “safety of leached copper does not appear to be an issue since studies have shown that the current WHO guideline of 2 mg Cu/L is safe”

This then shows that when storing water in a copper container, there is no risk of developing any gastrointestinal ailment or any health problems.

In one other study, scientists wanted to know if these effect was random, that is they wanted to know if it was actually the copper vessel that decontaminated the water and turnedbit alkaline. So they filled water into Copper vessels and glass containers. This water was also contaminated with bacteria and also at room temperature. They kept them overnight and in the morning the found the water in the copper vessel free of bacteria with increase in pH, but the same could not be said of the water in the glass containers.

Also the amount of copper which diffused into the water was well be low the maximum limit the water’s copper content was less than 0.475 ppm. Thus the water was suitable for human consumption.


In some other studies the same experiment was carried out,  using different kinds of water vessels.  Containers made out of copper, silver, glass, plastic, rubber, iron were used. At the end of the experiment, the results were the same. These studies show that copper has some inhibitory effects towards bacteria probably due to the increase in the water's pH.

The scientists also measured the concentration of copper in the water every 2 hours in order to decide whether the water was still safe for consumption. While the scientists detected a slow increase in the amount of copper absorbed by the water, they concluded that the amount still remained well within the acceptable range outlined by the World Health Organization even after the water was kept inside in the copper vessel for several days.


From these studies we now know that a copper water container is a good and natural way to produce alkaline water. When water is stored in a copper container some copper particles diffuse into the water, these particles ionize the water and turn it alkaline. The process is similar to the way water becomes alkaline in nature. This happens when the water flow along a path absorbing minerals along the way, these minerals then turn the water alkaline.


How to Create Natural Alkaline Water Using Your New Otiem Copper Water Bottle

Storing water in copper has many health benefits. Copper is an essential mineral, and copper water also known as ‘ tamra jal’ in ayurvedic medicine can have excellent health benefits. For example, copper has anti-bacterial properties, acts as an effective anti-oxidant, improves immunity, supports good health, prevents aging, eliminates toxins and free radicals, and stimulates the brain. Because copper is naturally anti-bacterial, copper bottles are naturally self-sterilizing and do not require as much cleaning as other water bottles. It is not surprising that copper water vessels have been recognized for their health benefits throughout history.

Turning your drinking water alkaline is as simple as pouring the water into a copper container and leaving it for some time. See, easy! By letting it be you allow the water to gradually increase in pH. The process is largely affected by some factors such as temperature, the quality of the copper container, the pH of water before insertion. But the most important factor is temperature, the process will work faster at room temperature or a bit higher.

You may use any kind if water as far as it has been properly filtered. We are talking about tap water, bottled water, filtered water. For more noticeable results you can use tap water, because the pH level is usually low. You may want to filter it just in case depending on the area or country you live in. After filtering, pour it into the bottle.

Take proper care to ensure that the bottle is made out of pure high quality copper, and does not contain alloys or other metals. Metal like lead are very dangerous so take proper care. When buying, especially online, make sure the manufacturers are legitimate and have a reliable track record for providing 100% pure copper bottles. Also make sure the bottles are not coated with lacquer, this substance is toxic

So in summary to store the water for 5-8 hours before drinking to ensure the water has been fully, alkalinized. Storing it overnight is the most convenient.



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