Making Yoga a Habit | Otiem
Making Yoga a Habit

Making Yoga a Habit

Yoga became part of my exercise choices eight years ago.  Although I had tried yoga at various times over the years I had never really embraced it.  Now I have a daily yoga practice that developed slowly.

I started with a DVD – very basic, You Can Do Yoga - 30 minutes with a great 10 minute introduction of the poses before I moved into the workout.  I found it easy to do and helpful so I invited my husband to join me.  He agreed which somewhat surprised me but he recognized the importance of stretching.

We do it together about 4 times a week.  Perhaps that was part of the reason that I was more open to having Yoga be a part of my exercise routine because it became an activity we did together.  When we travel we continue with the routine and have it downloaded on the iPad so we can do anywhere.  Including airport lounges, hotel rooms, beaches, decks.  We travel with large yoga towels to use as mats as they are easier to pack around.  A comfortable mat and water bottle are important gear.

Over time I gradually wanted to enhance my routine so I purchased other yoga DVDs and started searching on-line for new options.  I also attended classes and all of these have enhanced my experience. I know which style I like and which I don’t.  You tube and DVD options are great because of the flexibility of doing the routine when the time works for me.  Sometimes I don’t agree with an instructor’s comments about how wonderful the stretch feels and I can comment out loud, how it doesn’t feel great, still hurts, and yet play it again the next day.  In a live class we keep our comments to our inner voice. 

In-person yoga classes have been very helpful to build my own practice. A Nu-back strengthening and a core strength class that I initially joined as a social activity with friends proved to be very helpful. Sometimes I think it is the instructor’s calming voice that draws me back for the final ten minute cool down that is so relaxing.  Which is a very important part of our routines, sometimes we rush off and I think it is important to have that quiet time, great voice leading or not.

I have also attended a variety of other classes in a drop in format and have learnt that Yin and Restorative yoga do not appeal to me.  I like to hold the poses for a few breathes, or 60 seconds and move on. I also recognize I am a bit competitive and the in person classes allow me to see others in action and see how I measure up.  This can challenge me to do better or pat myself on my back in the forward fold.  Classes can be fun to try and figure what works for me and what doesn’t.

I have done enough yoga sessions now that I create my own routines and these vary according to the amount of time I have.   When I do my own routine I count to hold the breath or pose, and this has become very calming for me.  The counting seems to clear my head so the yoga experience is also a meditative as well as exercise routine.

If you're looking for something on YouTube, one of my favorites is Kendra Kulak. She posts weekly free classes and is very enthusiastic about yoga, while explaining clearly the positions and has a routine for every situation – basic to strength building, focused and even for Netflix binging.  I have also attended her live classes and loved the way she interacted with us!

Why yoga? I love the way my body feels and how my mind calms when I do yoga.  I like trying new poses and pushing my body to bend deeper, stretch further, and then enjoy the corpse position.  I walk taller, am very flexible, and have great balance. The yoga has improved my participation in other activities from hiking, cycling, skiing, and I can do this daily.  I now say with confidence I have a yoga practice and it suits me.


Michele B.


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