Planting Trees to Combat Hunger in India – Otiem
Planting Trees to Combat Hunger in India

Planting Trees to Combat Hunger in India

With each order placed on our site, we plant a tree. We’ve teamed up with some of our favorite non-profit organizations and environmental charities along with their reforestation partners to work with local organizations with one simple but powerful objective: to plant (mostly) fruit trees to fight hunger, poverty and climate change in India.

Since many Indian States are prone to severe drought which can lead to hunger as crops fail regionally, we can try to combat this by helping to plant new trees that are able to withstand and survive these periods of drought by using their long root networks to tap into the water table.

With the help of dedicated local Vrilksharakshaks, or “tree ambassadors”, farmers are given fruit trees and encouraged to practice organic and sustainable farming practices. . These fruit tree saplings are distributed in community lands, homesteads of marginal farmers, government school campuses, orphanages, old age homes, and other places of need.

Under this model, planting trees helps foster environmental consciousness and sustainability in these rural communities. Furthermore, these efforts generate local employment at nurseries, specifically benefitting woman and other marginalized groups. 

In addition to helping fight hunger and poverty — the impact of planting trees goes much further than that, aligning with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by contributing to clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth, and climate action and biodiversity conservation.

Some of the trees planted include lemon, guava, custard apple, gooseberry, pomegranate, jack fruit, wood apple, and tamarind. All are native trees that produce a high yield of fruit seasonally or year round. As these trees mature and yield fruit, they ensure food for local people during difficult times, acting as an insurance policy during times of drought or pandemic-induced insecurity.

Feel good knowing that with each order you place on our site, you are helping plant a tree in Indian communities near and dear to our hearts immediately ensuring that a portion of your purchase goes right back into improving the communities that have skillfully crafted Ayurvedic vessels for centuries.

Read more about the amazing work our chosen reforestation partners do here.

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