Trendy Water Bottle | Why You Should Use More Environmentally Friendly Products – Otiem
A New Trendy Water Bottle and Other Environmentally Friendly Products

A New Trendy Water Bottle and Other Environmentally Friendly Products

The world today is at a tipping point when it comes to the well being of our environment. We rely too heavily on convenience and in the long run killing our planet. Things like the use of plastic items.

The use of plastics in our society is  an environmental hazard. Micro plastics are killing our fish, and millions of tons of plastic in land fills. This plastic is very difficult to recycle and does not decompose well at all. It takes the average plastic material at least 400 years to decompose, imagine that. So they're going to be around long after we've “recycled them”.

In this article let's take a look at a few simple switches we can make to help the environment.

Copper Water Bottles.

These are great alternatives to the disposable plastic bottle. The plastic bottle is just a waste of resources. In the US alone 17 million barrels of oil are used to manufacture 50 billion water bottles. These bottles will be used once and then thrown away. Most will end up in land fills- then from there, they end up in water bodies decimating marine life.

Plastic bottles usually have the chemical BPA which is very dangerous to humans.

Reusable water bottles don't waste resources during manufacturing and you can use them for many years. This will save you cost of buying bottled water in the long term as you can easily refill them with tap water.  

In fact the Average American uses 166 plastic bottles of water per year! That’s over $300 a year spent on bottled water. An Otiem bottle cost 10x less than that and pays for itself within the first two weeks with the money you save!

Last year alone, Americans used over 50 billion plastic water bottles. Furthermore, the U.S.'s recycling rate for plastic is only 23%. That means 38 billion water bottles, more than $1 billion worth of plastic, are wasted each and every year. They end up in our landfills and floating in our oceans.

That’s an average of 166 plastic bottles per person! And of those 166 bottles we each drank from last year, only 37 would have been recycled!

If we all used an Otiem this year instead, that would save 128 plastic bottles each from ending up in landfills PER PERSON! That’s 38 billion bottles! And that’s just in 2019!

Even if one out of every 100 Americans switched to an Otiem, it would make a major difference. That would still save half a billion plastic bottles per year! 

Plus when you store water in a copper bottle, particles of copper diffuse into the water. These particles have been known to fight bacteria, leading to much safer drinking water. And because copper is an essential mineral to the human body, it has several health benefits including anti-aging, anti cancer, and anti-oxidizing properties. Not a bad alternative.


Reusable Straws

These are becoming more and more popular and they are increasing in popularity for good reason. It's counterpart the disposable plastic straw is causing severe environmental damage. It is said that the amount of plastic straws thrown away by Americans  (that's about 500 million each day ) is enough to wrap around the entire world. And that's America alone. The UK disposes of about 8.5 billion straws a year. Plastic straws on average take about 300 years to decompose, and we still keep producing more.

This trend can be put to an end by using reusable straws. These come in different materials and sizes. And they are all environmentally friendly.

Reusable Coffee cups.

In the short term it might seem convenient to use disposable coffee cups but like the disposable items mentioned above, it is actually bad for our environment. Our disposable coffee cups are usually made from paper which is environmentally friendly, but parts of it  are made from petroleum products like Styrofoam. These materials are very difficult to recycle and like plastic, do not easily decomposed.

Disposable coffee cups are normally easier and cheaper to produce than reusable coffee cups.  But in the long run, the reusable cup is better because the average reusable coffee cup can be used more than 1000 times . One reusable coffee cup can last for more than 4 years with constant use.

Using reusable cups will save us a lot of money in the long term and also prevent us from polluting the environment with toxic products.

Popular coffee chains produce more than 5 billion cups a year, all that is going into land fills and eventually into the oceans. Our marine life will suffer incomprehensibly from this wastefulness.

Reusable coffee cups also come in different shapes, sizes and materials like metal, glass be ceramic. These materials are very friendly to the planet.


It is estimated that by the year 2050 there will be more plastic in the water than fish. What a nightmare. To prevent this, something drastic needs to be done. This is a quest to save our planet. So from now on, use only environment friendly products like this trendy water bottle and abstain from using plastics. It's the easiest thing you can do right now to reduce your environmental impact. 

In fact if you make the switch to an Otiem copper water bottle today you’ll get all the health benefits of drinking from copper, plus you’ll be doing your part for the environment. Now that’s what we call a win/win situation! What are you waiting for!? You can start saving the planet and get all the health benefits by starting today! It saves you money, and saves the planet. Now that's something we can all feel good about. Protection Status