What does Copper do for the Body | Otiem
What does Copper do for the Body?

What does Copper do for the Body?

Copper is one of the most important trace minerals for the survival of the human body. From maintaining the immune system to taking care of nerve cells and the generation of red blood cells, copper plays a vital role in body functions.

Copper Overview

Copper is found in almost all body tissues, and your body needs a balanced intake of copper for healthy growth. Here are some critical roles of copper in human body systems and organs:

  • Necessary for energy production for daily activities
  • Form collagen that is essential for body tissues and bones
  • Protect human cells against damage
  • Improve the absorption of iron

Health Benefits of Copper

Like many other minerals, copper is an essential nutrient for the human body. Red blood cell formation is connected to copper and iron. While improving the overall health and maintaining healthy body tissues and bones, copper also helps in the prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Sources of Copper

Copper is an essential part of many foods and diets. For better performance in daily life, eating cooper rich foods can give you an energy boost. For balanced consumption of copper, here are some options you can consider:

  • Organ meats
  • Seafood
  • Chocolate or cocoa
  • Nuts
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Beans
  • Black pepper
  • Enriched cereal

The amount of copper in regular food items is enough for a normal person. Most of the time, you don’t need to worry about intake levels of copper.

7 Symptoms of Copper Deficiency

Very few people suffer from a copper deficiency, but we cannot ignore the symptoms. Lack of copper can lead to some health risks too. The general symptoms are:

  1. Numbness
  2. Vision loss
  3. Fatigue
  4. Anemia
  5. Unstable gait
  6. Tingling sensation
  7. Tremors

If your body is indicating any of these symptoms, you don’t need to panic. Copper deficiency is coming ad can be taken care of with a properly balanced diet, however as always the best practice is to consult with your doctor first before making any lifestyle changes.

Copper and the Nervous System

Brain tissues are also at risk due to the imbalance of copper consumption. Copper deficiency or overdose has been found to be the cause of Nero-degeneration in adults. High levels of copper intake can cause an oxidative impact on the brain’s working. Copper can reside in the liver, vital organs and brain, and this overdose problem can lead to a damaged nervous system.


For people with a balanced diet and intake of minerals, the problems regarding the deficiency of copper are more rare. Food items must be the primary source of copper, yet some other supplements can also be good alternatives to supplement. From helping in the red blood cells production to improving the overall human health, copper does a lot for the body. Let’s not take it or it’s importance for granted.

You get start to take advantage of the amazing natural benefits of a copper but while you're on the go, take a look at our copper water bottles here.


Always talk to your doctor before you make any changes to your health routine. This blog is just meant to be a resource for information widely available on copper and is in no way medical or professional advice or an official recommendation in any way. Always do your own research.






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